Ubuntu Precise Open for Translation

I am pleased to announce that our current development release, Ubuntu Precise, is now open for translation
Some additional information that will be useful for translators:
- Translation schedule. Remember that according to the release schedule translatable messages might be subject to change until the User Interface Freeze on the week of the 23rd of February.
- Language packs. During the development cycle, language packs containing translations will be released twice per week except for the freeze periods. This will allow users and translators to quickly see and test the results of translations.
- Test and report bugs. If you notice any issues (e.g. untranslated strings or applications), do check with the translation team for your language first. If you think it is a genuine bug, please report it.
- Learn more. Learn how to start translating Ubuntu and enable millions to use it in their language.
Ubuntu 12.04 will be a Long Term Support release, so let's rally around translations to provide the best translated OS around and go over the mark of nearly 40 languages in which Ubuntu is fully translated!
open image by loop_oh – License: CC by-nd 2.0