Ubuntu Global Jam: time is ticking

Ok, the countdown has started for the Ubuntu Global Jam. It's less than 10 days until Ubuntu teams around the globe show off some community power and join the fest to make our favourite OS even more awesome.

For the late-comers:

There are plenty of activities to choose this time (Bugs, Testing, Upgrade, Documentation, Translations, Packaging). Be creative!

And do remember to add your event to the LoCo Directory as well.

If you've never run a jam, do join us on IRC in #ubuntu-locoteams and ask questions, or even better, check out Jono's videocast and the easy steps on how to organize and run one. We've also been running some training sessions on IRC you might find interesting.

As Rafael nicely put it, the Catalan team will be rocking it again this time round, with Translations, Testing, Upgrading and surely with improvisation

By the way, how many of you are going to be running translation jams? Has anyone got any tips or experiences to share? We'd like to hear them!